Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bachelor - Arie - Week 2

So on Tuesdays I will share my thoughts about the Bachelor - I love this series.  I have been watching since Alex Michel picked Amanda over Trista, never missing a season.  Why do I like this show, I think I really want to believe in love and the couple (yes just couple) times it has worked out it makes me happy.  Plus, lets be honest, it's just fun to watch the crazy!

So this won't be a recap - if you are reading this, you probably already watch the show and don't need a play-by-play of what happened.  This is just my thoughts and comments as we go through the season, pretty  much the same as the email I send my BFF Diane every Tuesday morning.

We start the night with 21girls - that's just too many for me to keep track of - honestly until it's down to about 10 I really don't care too much.

1st one on one date goes to Becca K.  Debbie downer brings the crowd down with her motorcycle talk...

Okay I'm 46 and not probably as hip - but I wasn't familiar with Rachel Zoe, but apparently the younger generation is, Becca seemed excited.  I will admit, some very lovely dresses.  

And...glittery Louboutins - yes please! 

Back at the mansion:  "I've never seen them in real life" says one of the girls of the Louboutins - I would so say that too! 

Becca: Arie is what I'm here for.
Me: You keep the guy; I'll take the Louboutins.

I feel like the Cinderella/pretty woman date should be later in the series, a girl you end up with deserves those earrings and shoes.  It is a waste for some girl you don't pick to go home with those earrings, I wouldn't be able to wear them again (hence the drawer full of jewelry from my ex I can never wear again).  Rachel gave Brian the expensive watch, and it was later in the season when she knew he was the one. 

A note about the small talk back at the mansion, Chelsea said she doesn't kiss or tell, but she did just that at the last rose ceremony.  She is not going to be well liked this season.  

2nd one on one is Kystal, the personal trainer from San Diego.  Arie has told both girls so far they made the best first impression - but neither got the first impression rose

Meeting parents on first date with 20 other girls left???
I zoned out for awhile. Are we on the second to last episode already? Because that would be great.

I like Krystal, she is looking for family, I understand that. Oh Krystal is the one that gives to homeless - now I love her! 


Group date of 15! Is that a record?  Which 4 didn't get picked?  Probably doesn't matter - won't remember them anyway.

Love Tia "this is some redneck sh*t".   Why is Annalise crying? Bummer car trauma.  Seriously. 

Honestly the demolition derby looks fun

Chelsea steals the first alone time again...
There is always one chick that melts down because she realizes she's dating these guy as 20 other girls, this season it will be Bibania.

Ha- Chelsea's face when Sienne got the rose.  


Rose ceremony
My biggest pet peeve is girls with roses interrupting the other girls time with the bachelor.

Bekah is so young she says make out sesh...so millennial...so basic 

Bibania keeps complaining about not getting her time, jump in and take your time.  Be bold, be proud Seriously Krystal interrupted twice!

My front runners so far are: Krystal, Becca, Bekah, Sienna and Britney 

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