Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What’s up Wednesday {1.31.18}

I'm linking up with three of my favorite bloggers: The Larson Lingo * Mix & Match Mama * and Sheaffer Told Me To to answer some random questions about What's Up.  I love reading all the other bloggers responses as well.
 I've been trying to eat healthy so this week I've been enjoying some turkey-3 bean chili, sometimes over a baked potato to mix it up:
Also made a yummy pizza - the dough is just 1/2 cup of self-rising flour and 1/2 cup of 0% Fat Fage Greek Yogurt.  Mix and knead - makes two pizza crusts.  I top it with Candian bacon, mushrooms and onions.  Yummy!

 Christmas - we had such a lovely holiday filled with family and friends.

Right now I'm loving makeup - been playing around with new brushes, eyeliners and such (spent way too much money at Ulta last week!).  One of my favorite new products is the Urban Decay All-Nighter Setting Spray!

Not much - lots of work, taxes, buying my son a newer car - nothing too fun to be honest!

 Monday night my son was in a car accident, nothing serious but now comes the fun of  insurance claims and all - however all a good learning experience for him.  

This weekend I want to get some Valentines crafts made - here is one of them, we'll see if my finished product comes out as well:

 Just overall excited about spring coming - I get winter blahs super bad after the holidays but know spring will bring lots of friend outings and good times ahead!

 Read this book last week:
Which led me to read another Nancy Thayer book this week:
As for what I'm watching - lots of TV but let's be honest, the ONLY show on TV that matters right now is:
And I can't wait to see the show after the Super Bowl - my Kleenex are ready!

Been in a nostalgia mood and listening to some 80's rock:

Nothing to exciting - winter blahs means not feeling the winter clothes anymore - ready for some cute spring/summer things.

 Super Bowl watching!!!

Valentines Day - have fun gifts planned for my co-workers - will share next month!

 Honestly not much!

Bonus question this month: FAVORITE SOUP RECIPE  
My go-to favorite soup is Cheesy Potato Soup.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Bachelor - Arie - Week 5

Good morning Rose Lovers - gotta be honest last night's episode was just blah to me.  I'm so over the Krystal drama, and there are still too many girls left (who is this Jacqueline person?????)
But of course this episode was all about Krystal - or was it a movie promo?

Krystal was mad because Arie "lied" about making the losing team leave and not go to the cocktail party.  

 Really?  News flash Arie - Krystal is going to be that girlfriend/wife that yells at you every time you talk to another women for the rest of your lives...

Then of course there is Kendall - the taxidermy chick - her question about cannibalism was weird, but her answer was even more absurd, she's not just quirky, she is scary (like would be afraid now to see her hangry).  

There were other dates, Chelsea (single mom) got a one-on-one, nothing too exciting.  Tia got a one-on-one and how much do we love Tia?  She comes off as small town hick but girl is rocking a doctorate!  Go Tia!

And finally, I must say when Bekah (Miss 22) is rocking more maturity than Krystal (the 29 year old) she wins super points in my book!

BTW - this is my new reason for calling in to work:

See you all next week!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday Favorites {1.26.18}

Today (and every Friday) I am linking up with three of my favorite bloggers, AndreaErika and Narci and sharing my favorite things from this week.

I read a nice easy book this week:
Others had read her books and recommended them.
I made a Weight Watchers 0 Point Chili this week, it was very yummy.  
For one meal I poured the chili over a baked potato, added some fat free cheese, low fat sour cream and my whole meal was still only 7 points!  
Finally - This Is Us friends, we have reached our How Jack Died climax - our questions are all being answered.  
I'm afraid the Crockpot industry is going to go under as none of us will ever use one again.

And I found this great meme online - for those of us who thought our ugly cry days were over after Dr. McDreamy was killed off Greys.

Happy Friday All!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Bagel Mania

Skinny Bagels - they are ALL OVER THE INTERNET.  I'm sure you've seen it if you follow any Pinterest or Weight Watchers people.  Everyone is talking about the SkinnyTaste Bagels.  They are only 3 WW Points - and therefore I JUST had to try them out.

Ya'll - run to your kitchen and make these - dieting or not - they are so good and so easy to make. 

I basically followed the SkinnyTaste Bagel Recipe - but to make it easier on myself I used 1 cup of self-rising flour and 1 cup of Fage 0% Fat Greek Yogurt. 

Mix together, roll into ropes, twist into bagel shape and bake at 375 for 25 minutes. 
 I didn't put any seasoning on my first batch - but am thinking of all the future possibilities.  Everything Bagel Seasoning, parmesean cheese, cinnamon/ is endless.

I did use one bagel to  make a healthy breakfast sandwich, Canadian bacon, eggs and a sprinkling of fat-free cheese  (3 total WW points!). 
If you've tried these bagels let me know what you like to season them with or eat them with. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Bachelor - Arie - Week 4

Hello Rose Lovers - we begin with Chris Harrison saying  it's hard to believe only 15 left? Seriously that is way too many IMO!

And every season - thanking the bachelor for the exotic dates.  Ugh, Arie didn't bring you to Tahoe, ABC did

Sienne gets first date.  She has been on my list as a finalist, like her a lot, she seems to have her head screwed on correctly.    She is so mature and I would want to be friends with her. 

HEY - Did we not just see Krystal on a bachelor winter games promo!?!?!. I should have taken a screen shot of that, my bad!

What a coincidence that the girls have binoculars so they can spot Arie and Sienne.

Ugh, stupid parasailing metaphors.  Insert rolling eyes emoji. 

What pseudo star so we have tonight - oh Lanco - I like them.  Don't really see sienne or Arie into country music

I would be so embarrassed to dance in front of all those people. 

I really wanted to like Krystal, her life story is sad, her brothers story is sad, but unfortunately she is just annoying 

Wilderness group date...

A new low for ABC - peeing on a date and pretending to drinking it

12 girls and a guy in a hot tub -there is a joke there - I just don't know the punchline - oh yes - you are on a TV show competing for a so-so guy! 

Is Lauren B the last Lauren standing?
I hope Kendall and Arie brushed their teeth before kissing, all the bug eating.  

Spit it out Krystal- I hate listening to her, love the girls making fun of her.

Tia calls out Krystal- Tia is the best.  
So excited the rose went to Tia - in your face Krystal 

And now the one-on-one date we've all been waiting for...

Beckah and Arie - did you all know she is 14 years younger than him?

Beckah reveals her age and...

22 - Arie is doing math and trying to figure out if he could be her father.  

Ha - the disappointment when Chris Harrison appears instead of Arie. 

Someone show Beckah how,to wear a jacket.
Roses are handed out.

Who's Ashley?
Who's Jacqueline?

Of course he picks Krystal, we need the good TV. 

Brittany goes
Caroline goes

And now we are down to 12...

Random notes from tonight: 
I feel bad for Maquel (who BTW is only 23 - why didn't any of the girls question that?).     
I don't understand Chelsea's (single mom) hand tattoo, need it explained to me.   

Glam-shaming?  Ladies we are reaching for things to hate each other about.  Freaking millennials! LOL